Patient Portal

J. Paul Jones Hospital is pleased to provide you with online access to your health information through our secure Patient Portal via our electronic health record system, Athenahealth. You can view or create your account below.

Open Patient Portal

Patient Rights

As a patient, you have the right to respectful and considerate care. In addition, there are specific rights and responsibilities you have during your hospital stay. Click this link below to view your rights and responsibilities during your stay at J. Paul Jones.

Patient Rights Document (PDF) Notice of Privacy Practices (PDF)

Visitor Information

Visitation Hours: Monday - Saturday 7:00am-9:00pm (central time)
For information on services, physician referral, or to contact a patient call (334) 682-4131.

Pay Bill

To pay or inquire about a bill call (334) 682-4131 or mail to 317 McWilliams Ave, Camden, AL 36726.

If you are unable to pay for medically necessary services or treatment. You may be eligible for financial assistance under the terms and conditions the hospital offers to qualified patients. For additional information, contact the hospital at (334) 682-4131.

Click the links below to review our Charity Care Policy and our charity care application.

Charity Care Policy (PDF) Charity Care Application (PDF)
